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现担任IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications期刊Associate EditorInternational Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems期刊Editorial Board MemberIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Energy, eTransportation等期刊客座编辑。2021 International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Shanghai, China出版主席,2022 IEEE IAS Industrial and Commercial Conference Asia, Shanghai, China出版主席。


· 建立包含储能系统的全电船舶能量管理模型,分析全电船舶在恶劣天气,新能源消纳及辅助设备接入下的能量管理方法。

· 分析船舶储能设备的运行规律和作用,建立船舶储能设备的寿命模型,对船舶储能设备进行全寿命周期管理,延长船舶储能设备的使用寿命,优化船舶储能设备的运行成本。

· 建立全电船舶与电力化港口之间的能量交互模型,提出港口综合能源系统与海洋交通综合能源系统的运行框架。





1. Sidun Fang, book name “Optimization-based energy management for multi-energy maritime grids, Springer Nature, 2021.

2. Sidun Fang, chapter title “The role of energy storage systems in microgrids operation”, in the book “Microgrids: Advances in Operation, Control, and Protection”, Springer Nature, 2021.   


1. Sidun Fang, Chenxu Wang, Ruijin Liao, et al. Optimal Power Scheduling of Seaport Microgrids with Flexible Logistic Loads [J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2022, early access.

2. 方斯顿,赵常宏,丁肇豪,等. 面向碳中和的港口综合能源系统(一):典型系统结构与关键问题[J],中国电机工程学报,2021,优先出版. 

3. 方斯顿,赵常宏,丁肇豪,等. 面向碳中和的港口综合能源系统(二):能源交通融合中的柔性资源与关键技术 [J],中国电机工程学报,2021,优先出版. 

4. Sidun Fang, Chenxu WangYashen Lin, et al. Optimal Energy Scheduling and Sensitivity Analysis for Integrated Power-Water-Heat Systems, IEEE Systems Journal, 2021, early access.

5. Sidun Fang, Shenxi Zhang, Tianyang Zhao et al, Optimal Power-Hydrogen-Vehicle Network Flow Scheduling with Convex Approximation, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2021.3095045, early access.

6. 方斯顿,王鸿东,张军军. 大容量船舶储能系统应用研究综述[J]. 中国舰船研究,2021,优先出版.

7. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Tianyang Zhao, et al, Two-Step Multi-Objective Management of Hybrid Energy Storage System in All-Electric Ship Microgrids [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(4): 3361-3373, 2019.

8. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Multi-Objective Coordinated Scheduling of Energy and Flight for Hybrid Electric Unmanned Aircrafts [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(7): 5686-5695, 2019.

9. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, et al, Optimal Sizing of Shipboard Carbon Capture System for Maritime Greenhouse Emission Control [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55(6): 5543-5553, 2019.

10. Sidun Fang, Bin Gou, Yu Wang, et al, Towards Future Green Maritime Transportation: an overview of Seaport Microgrids and All-electric Ships [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(1): 207-219, 2020.

11. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu. Multi-Objective Robust Energy Management for All-Electric Shipboard Microgrid under Uncertain Wind and Wave [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System, 117: 105600, 2020.

12. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Shuli Wen, et al. Data-Driven Robust Coordination of Generation and Demand-side in Photovoltaic Integrated All-Electric Ship Microgrids [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35(3): 1783-1795, 2020.

13. Sidun Fang, Bin Gou, Yan Xu, et al, Optimal Hierarchical Management of Shipboard Multi-Battery Energy Storage System using a Data-Driven Degradation Model [J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 5(4): 1306-1318, 2019. 

14. Sidun Fang, Yanhong Fang, Hongdong Wang, et al, Optimal Heterogeneous Energy Storage Management for Multi-energy Cruise Ships [J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 14(4): 4754-4664, 2020.

15. Sidun Fang, Haozhong Cheng, Chengming Zhang, Joint Generation and Voyage Scheduling for Photovoltaic Integrated All-Electric Ships [J]. IET Journal of Engineering, 18: 5085-5089, 2019.

16. Sidun Fang, Tianyang Zhao, Yan Xu, et al. Coordinated Chance-constrained Optimization of Multi-energy Microgrid System for Balancing Operation Efficiency and Quality-of-service [J]. Modern Power System and Clean Energy, 8 (5), 853-862, 2020.

17. 方斯顿,王鸿东,张沈习 . 考虑蓄电池寿命损耗的全电船舶能量管理方法[J]. 中国电机工程学报,4023):7566-7578 2020.

18. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, et al. Robust Operation of Shipboard Microgrids With Multiple-Battery Energy Storage System Under Navigation Uncertainties [J], IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(10): 10531-10544, 2020.

19. Sidun FangHaozhong Cheng, Yue Song, et al. Interval Optimal Reactive Power Reserve Dispatch Considering Generator Rescheduling [J]. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 10(8): 1833-1841, 2016.

20. Sidun FangHaozhong Cheng, Guodong Xu. A Modified Nataf transformation Based Extended Quasi Monte Carlo Simulation Method for Solving Probabilistic Load Flow [J]. Electrical Power Component & Systems, 46(6): 728-737, 2016.

21. Sidun FangHaozhong ChengYue Songet al. Stochastic Optimal Reactive Power Reserve Dispatch Considering Voltage Control Areas [J]. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 27(3), e2261, 2017.

22. Sidun Fang, Xiaocheng Zhang. A Hybrid Algorithm of Particle Swarm Optimization and Tabu Search for Distribution Network Reconfiguration [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 7410293, 2016.

23. 方斯顿 程浩忠 徐国栋 . 基于Nataf 变换和准蒙特卡洛的随机潮流方法[J]. 电力自动化设备,2015, 35(88)3838-3844

24. 方斯顿,程浩忠,徐国栋 等.基于非参数核密度估计的扩展准蒙特卡洛随机潮流方法[J].电力系统自动化,201539(7)21-28

25. 方斯顿,程浩忠,徐国栋 等.基于Nataf变换含相关性的扩展准蒙特卡洛随机潮流方法[J].电工技术学报,201732(2)255-264

26. 方斯顿,程浩忠,宋越 等.考虑风电相关性的电力系统随机无功备用优化[J].电力自动化设备,201511(3)44-51

27. 方斯顿,程浩忠,宋越 等.基于样条重构和准蒙特卡洛的随机潮流[J].高电压技术,201541(10)3447-3453

28. 方斯顿,程浩忠,徐国栋 等.基于机会约束凸松弛的分区随机无功备用优化方法[J].电工技术学报,201530(15)32-40

29. 方斯顿,程浩忠,徐国栋 等.基于混合光线反射算法的最近电压稳定临界点求取方法[J].电力自动化设备,201636(8)58-64

30. 方斯顿,程浩忠,宋越 等.基于曲面二次标准型的最近电压稳定临界点求取方法[J].电力系统自动化,201640(2)23-30

31. 方斯顿,程浩忠,宋越 等.基于最近电压稳定临界点的发电机无功备用优化方法[J].电力系统自动化,201640(3)21-27

32. 方斯顿,程浩忠,徐国栋 等.随机最优潮流及其应用的研究综述[J].电力自动化设备,201636(11)1-10